Jessica Duffy, Good Practice Mentor at Leeds Older People’s Forum invites you to join an online discussion this January on why we need to “wise up to ageism” to prevent redundancy, isolation and loneliness
Ageist birthday cards are one of the acceptable faces of ageism in society today, even though they can be hurtful if sent (or received) in the wrong vein.
But ageism can also do a lot more than hurt our feelings. We know, for instance, that ageism can make it hard for people in their 50s or above to get a new job following redundancy… and redundancy and ongoing joblessness are common triggers for loneliness. Not only have you lost colleagues and friends in the workplace, but also the means to socialise in other ways (the pub, the game, the pictures, classes, days out using a car or bus and so on).
A double whammy, as it were.
If you want to think more about ageism, help us create a less ageist society, and feel more confident challenging ageism in yourself, friends, colleagues and other people you work with, then why join us on a Wise Up to Ageism session. It’s on Zoom and it’s free. It takes place on 18th January 2023, between 13.00 – 14:00 and book here.
A fill list of LOPF spring series of events is available here.
The aim of Wise Up to Ageism is to raise awareness of ageism and encourage people to find out more, discuss and reflect. We also aim to help you to challenge ageism in your everyday life. The session explores the five key messages from the Age Proud Leeds campaign:
Let’s talk about ageism
What is ageism and how widespread it is
Ageism affects people of all ages
Whether we are younger, middle aged or older – ageism affects us all
Ageism. What does it do to us?
Age discrimination has many negative effects and having a positive attitude to ageing can help you live well for longer
Older, different, equal
Older people are diverse and ageing and ageism affect us differently
Time to feel good about ageing
Ageing brings many benefits, share the positives and celebrate the contributions made by older people.
Hope you can join us on the 18th!