Let’s work together

We believe there is a huge opportunity to improve the lives of older people by enabling organisations (private, public and third sector) to share knowledge and ideas, to collaborate on key issues and (uniquely) tap into lived experiences. 

AAA is now run by EngAgeNet (The English Age Network) and the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi). But its future success depends on collaboration. Members can take part in the virtual groups to inform research projects and develop policies on key issues such as pensioner poverty, later life housing, employment, social exclusion, health and care. 

This will generate “bottom up” solutions, build a more connected future, break down generational barriers and give older people themselves a real voice in the decisions that affect them. Working together, we believe we can make a difference.

Critically, we aim to act as a comms hub too – creating a unique knowledge hub enabling members to share their news and views and learn from others. As well as this website, there are regular news updates now going out to hundreds of subscribers – many of whom then cascade to their groups and forums. 

Since we began at the end of 2022, some 170 organisations have joined the fold along with over 35 individuals, including all of the key names in the later life third sector. But we want to work with and learn from everyone with an interest in this arena. If that sounds like you, why not become a member (it’s free!), get involved with one of our Action Groups or sign up for our newsletters. You can see our current membership here: https://theageactionalliance.org/who-we-are/

To join us, receive our newsletters or enquire about the possibility of sponsoring our work, go to:  https://theageactionalliance.org/join-contact-fund-us/

Positive ageing images on this site courtesy of the Centre for Ageing Better library: https://ageing-better.org.uk/news/age-positive-image-library-launched

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