Every day millions of older and disabled people are denied the social care they not only need but are legally entitled to… and not everyone can afford to get the legal support they need to press their case. A new AI chatbot aims to bridge that gap.
We all have the right to hold public bodies to account, but most of us cannot afford lawyers and therefore rely on legal aid. Unfortunately, a colossal 92% drop in legal aid cases since 2010 means that huge numbers of people have nowhere to turn. Without access to justice our rights do not exist. The rule of law is broken.
AAA member Access Social Care is a charity providing free legal advice to people with social care needs, working with communities to increase knowledge of the law, and collaborating with social services while ensuring that their legal obligations are met. With a 98% success rate, their teams of lawyers ensure fair access to justice when things go wrong.
To meet growing demand for free legal support, Access Social Care have developed an award-winning chatbot to provide 24/7 independent legal support and guidance online. The chatbot answers legal questions and helps advice-seekers draft personalised legal letters to send to public bodies. It also harvests thematic and demographic data, which can be used to inform evidence-based influencing work.
The chatbot prioritises a person-centred approach and uses AI technology to learn from chatbot conversations, making it an efficient and effective way to provide transformative support en masse to those who need it.
Access Social Care are now inviting other organisations to benefit from this innovative technology by joining their pilot programme, giving them the opportunity to use the chatbot on their own websites. This will enable organisations to provide free independent legal support and guidance for their service users, relieving pressure on helplines and frontline staff while providing advice created by experts. Partner organisations will also receive analytics reports from the chatbot to gain insight into their service users, which can be used to improve service delivery and inform strategic planning.
You can find out more about the chatbot and joining the pilot programme on Access Social Care’s website.