Your help needed to improve the way older people receive help via digital services

We have been approached to reach out to members to help a PhD student who is researching the issues affecting older peoples’ digital safety using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and internet linked devices/sensors or Smart products and services.

Hi! my name is Alicia Ridout. I am a PhD student at York St John University and I’m using this survey of older people to help create new occupational therapy practice tools, to improve our conversations about Smart products and services (AI) safety in their care and support.

There is a detailed information sheet included below for you to read, but here is a quicky synopsis. The closing date is 17th November 2023.

Summary of the research:

I am an HCPC registered occupational therapist. The research is working with older people, occupational therapists, companies and people who commission health and care services in England. 

Your experiences will help us understand issues you might face using this Smart/AI devices such as tablets/iPads or smart phones. I aim to improve the way occupational therapists and older adults communicate about safety issues, early on in an assessment. This could help personalised care and support choices in future.

Surveys of older adults, will provide a starting point for work to create new ways of communicating, together. This will involve older adults and occupational therapists, and aim to improve these conversations for the future.

Please ensure you have read the information leaflet (link below) before you consent to join the survey. There are some questions at the start of the survey you need to agree to first. 

The questions have a range of options for you to respond to, so please take your time to follow the instructions, you will not be timed out but cannot leave and return later.

Thank you for taking time to join the research project.

Digital Safety PhD Study 1 Older adults RRA Information leaflet v1.0 FINAL 090823.pdf

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