Upcoming webinar explores the health and social benefits of homesharing

If you’d like to know more about the financial, wellbeing and intergenerational benefits of homesharing, then why not drop into a webinar being hosted by AAA members Two Generations on Tuesday July 11 2023 at 10:00 am.

Homesharing is a unique solution that connects people who have extra space in their homes with those who need an affordable place to live. This event will showcase how homesharing can help tackle loneliness, improve health, and create a positive social impact.

Knowledgable speakers will share their insights on how homesharing can benefit both homeowners and homesharers. They will also discuss the social impact of homesharing, it’s potential to work across local councils, third sector organisations and the health sector and how it can contribute to building strong communities.

The Event Chair is Stephen Burke, co-Founder, United For All Ages and co-Founder, The Campaign To End Loneliness

Featured guests include:

• Natasha Langleben, Co-Founder, Two Generations

• Sheila and Dela (Householder/Sharer) – current Homesharers in Bournemouth

• Jason Brandon, Mental Health Social Work lead, office of Chief Social Worker for Adults, DHSC

• Julian Lloyd, CEO, Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow & Brent

• April Baker, CEO, Together Co

• TBC Director, Bedford, Luton & Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board

If you’re interested in learning more about homesharing and how it can benefit you and your community, register now for an informative and engaging discussion.

Go to the web page here:

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