Care home brings out the smiles at intergenerational sessions
An MHA care home in the North West has been bringing the generations – and the local community – together.
Fixing the generational wealth gap “a priority”, as fears grow of loss of state support in retirement
New findings from the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) and M&G plc have highlighted significant generational disparities in wealth accumulation, raising concerns about intergenerational fairness and the future of the “intergenerational contract”.
Explaining dementia to children
“Why doesn’t granny know me anymore?” This is the sort of question that a young child might ask when a grandparent is affected by dementia. Professor June Andrews explains how you can help young people in your family understand the condition.
Your chance to inspire, engage and empower younger people with The Access Project
The Access Project has been enabling young people from underrepresented backgrounds to realise their potential, and access top Universities for the last 15 years – and want to hear from anyone who would like to volunteer their time and lend their experience to “make a change”.
Upcoming webinar explores the health and social benefits of homesharing
If you’d like to know more about the financial, wellbeing and intergenerational benefits of homesharing, then why not drop into a webinar being hosted by AAA members Two Generations on Tuesday July 11 2023 at 10:00 am.
Housing to span the generations
Could the reimagining of a concept that goes back over a thousand years provide part of the solution to the severe housing and care problems facing Britain’s ageing population? AAA member Bob Durie OBE, having spent a lifetime in property, is looking to help pilot a new intergenerational housing project that he believes will do…
Young Bristol – connecting with the older generation
A charity called “Young Bristol” might evoke images of activities purely for young people. Not so!