Category: Health and Care

  • A stroke volunteer’s story

    A stroke volunteer’s story

    Like many charities, AAA member Bristol After Stroke relies heavily upon volunteers to support their activities. Unlike many charities though, most of their volunteers have personal experience of the condition they are supporting…

  • How can we maximise the “wellbeing potential” of retirement living?

    How can we maximise the “wellbeing potential” of retirement living?

    Tony Watts OBE recently gave a presentation at LaingBuisson’s Social Care Summit on why later life housing developers need to “futureproof” their schemes by “maximising their wellbeing potential”. Here is an adapted version of that presentation. A common theme in any discussion on retirement housing in the UK is why retirement developments here have not…

  • Older people take their demand for a Commissioner to Downing Street

    Older people take their demand for a Commissioner to Downing Street

    Campaigners have taken their calls for the creation of a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England to the heart of Westminster.

  • Bringing healthcare home to patients

    Bringing healthcare home to patients

    An “older people’s sounding board” is giving clinicians, consultants and service designers in the NHS direct access to the lived experiences of service users. Tony Watts OBE attended a recent meeting organised by the NDTi to find out what was being achieved.

  • Co-designing a healthier future

    Co-designing a healthier future

    A small team in East Sussex is harnessing the knowledge of older people to co-design an integrated Minor Injuries and Illness Unit (MIIU) that – they believe – will lead to improved patient experiences, and are looking to learn from others around the country.

  • Explaining dementia to children

    Explaining dementia to children

    “Why doesn’t granny know me anymore?” This is the sort of question that a young child might ask when a grandparent is affected by dementia. Professor June Andrews explains how you can help young people in your family understand the condition.

  • Breaking down the taboos around terminal illness

    Breaking down the taboos around terminal illness

    A new book, “Going Gentle” by Dr Philip Graham, explores some of the key issues around a topic that all of us, at some point, have to face up to – and offers practical advice based on the experiences of those who have lost loved ones. Review by Tony Watts OBE

  • The importance of community as we age

    The importance of community as we age

    On the whole, writes Jo Volpe, Chief Executive Officer, Leeds Older People’s Forum, people want a healthy and happy later life – to have a “good innings” – and our local community groups are so vital for this as we age.

  • Dementia: what legal and financial planning should I consider?

    Dementia: what legal and financial planning should I consider?

    From whether you should be paying for care through to sorting out an LPA, Professor June Andrews looks at some of the key things to consider if you or a loved one have dementia.

  • Ageing in place technology: revolutionising retirement living

    Ageing in place technology: revolutionising retirement living

    The innovation team from ExtraCare Charitable Trust recently triumphed at the Senior Housing Awards, winning the “Best Use of Technology in Seniors Housing” award. Here, their Research and Technology Lead Kerry Stack explains how their appliance of science is breaking down barriers and helping older people age in place.