Posts archive

  • Is your workplace carer-friendly?

    If not, it will almost certainly hurt your business, argues Deborah Stone of Mature Thinking. That’s because caring is increasingly becoming a part of people’s lives as our population continues to age and fewer and fewer qualify for support – and the nation’s growing army of informal carers are struggling to combine work and care.

  • WASPI: justice will have to wait… again

    Grenfell, Windrush, subpostmasters, the blood transfusion scandal, Dilnot… the latest delay in implementing the Ombudsman’s report on WASPI women is just one more examplar, writes Tony Watts OBE, of the tactics routinely used by Government to put off rectifying historic wrongs or fulfilling promises made – many involving older people who may never live to…

  • Pensions Freedom 10 years on: who have been the winners… and losers?

    This March marked the tenth anniversary of the announcement of “Pension Freedom and Choice” reforms which, along with Auto-Enrolment, represented the two major shifts in pension policy enacted under George Osborne. What have been the long-term impacts for savers? asks Tony Watts OBE.

  • New data lifts the lid on retirement income trends

    What is the average income in retirement for today’s retirees… where is the income coming from, which regions are doing best and what trends can we see emerging? New data from the ONS reveals all, writes Richard Collinson, CEO of AAA members

  • Bringing healthcare home to patients

    An “older people’s sounding board” is giving clinicians, consultants and service designers in the NHS direct access to the lived experiences of service users. Tony Watts OBE attended a recent meeting organised by the NDTi to find out what was being achieved.

  • Co-designing a healthier future

    A small team in East Sussex is harnessing the knowledge of older people to co-design an integrated Minor Injuries and Illness Unit (MIIU) that – they believe – will lead to improved patient experiences, and are looking to learn from others around the country.

  • Reaching the older consumer

    How can companies best connect with older consumers – often a target market for their goods and services? AAA member Deborah Stone, Managing Director of Mature Thinking has some helpful advice.

  • How images can help those living with dementia engage with life

    When we develop severe dementia and our ability to get out in the real world is limited, pictures, writes Deborah Stone, can play a vital role in engagement. But be careful about the images you show…

  • Securing your retirement finances could mean being flexible at work

    Being able to work for as long as you need in order to secure a financially secure retirement could become a lot easier after new employment laws come into force in April, writes Tony Watts OBE. But it will require flexibility from employers as well as employees.

  • Four for ‘24: Four types of business who need older employees

    By 2040, it’s estimated that 63p in every pound will be spent by someone aged 50 or over in the UK. Yet typically, advertising, marketing and customer support cater to a younger demographic. There’s plenty of research to show that businesses are missing out, says Belinda Basil-Jones, Director of Partnerships and Insights at AAA members…

  • Big increases in how much you will need for retirement

    New figures released by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) show that the amount we need to save for our retirement has shot up in the last year. Richard Collinson, CEO of Retire Easy, runs the rule on the sums… and explains how to find out if you are on track.

  • In search of a safer Internet for older people

    How one retirement living provider, AAA member ExtraCare Charitable Trust, is actively keeping its residents safe by educating their residents on the risks they may face online.